becoming whole through forgiveness
Forgiveness is the subject of sages and saints from every tradition as the most powerful action for human healing and transformation. There is good reason for this. Until we can do the work of forgiveness, we remain fragmented within ourselves. Forgiveness is the path to wholeness.
Forgiveness is about breaking the emotional connection we have to people or situations in which we have felt hurt or wronged. When we forgive, we let go of the identity we have with that person or event and all the feelings tied up in keeping this identity alive: blame, victimness, self-pity, rage, fear. Forgiving is not about condoning the action, but, rather, is about accepting what is. If a person or event has resulted in mental, emotional, or physical pain, it is time to end the struggle and sever the cords of emotion still playing out in your life. Breaking this emotional connection through forgiveness is a major step in compassion for yourself, for directing your power inward rather than continuing to give it away to the past. Forgiveness has nothing to do with changing anyone or anything else, and has everything to do with changing you and setting you free.
As you practice forgiveness, you begin to gather yourself. The fragmented energy tied to the past begins to coalesce into the present. When you forgive, you begin to sense what it means to feel whole. You begin to have access to the full energy of your being. This is the level of "miraculous" healing, the level of healing encouraged by our saints and sages.