perception jump starts healing
Perception is your first and necessary step to healing and transformation. It's the action that moves you into an expanded awareness of yourself. Without awareness, we are operating from unconscious habit. There are no choices to be made, and therefore no mechanism for change.
Perception is about becoming alert and aware to the unfolding of your day and noticing how you are responding: your thoughts, emotions, attitudes, actions. Most of us are living out our day with habitual, unconscious responses. To begin to see the events in your life from a more observant perspective may be a new practice.
When we take a conscious approach to our responses, it's like taking a step back and creating a little space. Instead of an automatic response, we pause. We tune inward, noticing the thoughts and feelings that arise. We can learn to use our feelings to guide us to new perspectives and action. With committed practice, our lives begin to change.
Know, first, that how you perceive your life right now is the perfect perception for you, revealing the platform from which you move from, to see where you are now and where you want to go differently. To set a new path. To heal and transform. Learning to watch yourself consciously, to perceive, is a skill you can develop, starting today.