Feeling is Healing
When a feeling comes to us during the day because of an event or encounter with someone, we often don’t have time to work with this right away.
Take a few moments later on when there is a chance to be alone and quiet. Sit or lie down and be completely still. Take three to four slow breaths and say to yourself on each exhale: “I let go.”
Then bring to mind the earlier event or encounter and the feeling it brings back. Once this happens, drop the story and bring awareness to just the sensation of the feeling.
Awareness creates more energy so stay focused on the feeling. This increases the vibration or quality of the energy. Then, change of this energy will take place.
Drop all judgment of right or wrong, bad or good. We must drop the story or event completely.
Now stay with this feeling until it dissipates. If this feeling comes up again, work with it in just this way. Changing the energy of our feelings is a process.