“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
— Albert Einstein

Why This Works

the hidden science behind the simplicity

This all works because it is directly affecting change of our human organism at the programming, or instruction, level. This is the quantum level of energy and information that gives rise to the appearance and function of "you", or anything physically manifest around you. With only a small percentage of our human experience explained by science, this realm of reality lies outside of our current understanding to conceive of, explain, or in any way measure.  And yet, we can see the effects of this powerful level of healing: "miraculous" (unexplainable given current understanding) healings occur all the time.

For those needing comfort from the bit of science we do have, we can conclusively state that our thoughts, emotions, and attitudes are inseparable determinants to our state of health thanks to neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, and other specialty fields. Changing our thoughts, emotions, and attitudes changes our biochemistry, in many cases more effectively than pharmaceuticals, and without the side effects. We are starting to see this science now being applied in some medical settings with expanded treatment options like acupuncture, yoga therapy, and reiki.

We also know that some of the most powerful cultural leaders in human history have been some of the most powerful healers. A study into their methodology reveals a simple pattern. Regardless of their time or place in history, they seem to be teaching the same things for improving our individual health and the quality of our lives - forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, nonjudgement, awareness, meditation, self-empowerment, faith - the same things that improve the health of our culture as a whole.  We've been socialized to believe these are mostly virtues for appropriate social conduct. But this is an external focus that misses the inherent power available to each individual who understands and is diligent to apply this high science internally. The internal power summoned when these practices are fully utilized is happening at the subtle energy levels, the most powerful levels of "you." These practices are actually the most advanced of healing technologies. 

Here's a practical way to consider the programming power at the quantum level of our being. If it takes a 32 mile particle accelerator in Switzerland (CERN) to smash open one tiny atom to explore just some of its parts, can you imagine the energy-information potential within each of us with seven billion billion billion atoms making up our body?

Think about it. This is our reality. And this is the level we access with a mind body healing practice incorporated into our healing journey.