

One of the ways to bring acceptance and understanding to yourself is to perform this exercise each morning. Many people that I have worked with have followed this exercise and it has brought peace to how they feel about themselves. So, I challenge you to do this for 100 days. It will change you and give you more peace in your life as well.  

Say these four sentences to yourself each morning while in front of a mirror. After each sentence, pause for a split moment, then say the next sentence.

  1. I bless myself.

  2. I forgive myself

  3. I accept myself

  4. I am Compassion

To understand this more, when you bless yourself just for a moment, there is neutrality toward yourself. With this, judgement drops, and within this, understanding and compassion increase. The heart is now more open, and you can forgive yourself for anything you believe has hurt another or you.

 In short, this exercise of acceptance opens the door to compassion and forgiveness. It sets up the letting go of subconscious forms of fear. Accepting yourself is a great gift to you and to others. Once this fearful energy transforms, your deeper truth begins to shine, that being compassion. Compassion heals all wounds.